Journalisten Johan Mikaelsson besökte Sri Lanka i november 2019 för SvD:s räkning. Det blev ett fint reportage om Sri Lanka och vad som händer där, inklusive intervjuer med svenskar på plats.
Kategoriarkiv: Turism
Expressway från Colombo har förlängts och nu går det riktigt fort från flygplatsen ned till stränderna söderut.
”Saving travel time considerably, the Southern Expressway (E01), the Outer Circular Highway (E02) and Colombo – Katunayake Expressway (E03) have been extended thereby linking the expressways with one another for the first time in Sri Lanka. With the extension, two more sections of the Southern Expressway – 21.8 km section from Barawakumbuka to Mattala via Andarawewa and the 16.6 km section from Andarawewa to Hambantota – and a section of the Outer Circular Highway – 9.6 km from Kadawatha to Kerawalapitiya have been declared open. With the opening of the Kadawatha – Kerawalapitiya section, the Colombo-Katunayake Expressway, and the Southern Expressway will connect at the Kerawalapitiya interchange of the Outer Circular Highway allowing seamless travel between the airport and the Southern province. With the opening of the two sections on Southern Expressway, motorists coming from Matara can enter the expressway from Barawakumbuka and travel to Sooriyaweva, Hambantota, Mattala and Kataragama within a short period of time. Here is an estimate of the travel time spent before and after the extension: Airport to Galle: Before 3hrs / Now 2hrs Airport to Bentota: Before 2hrs 30mins / Now 1hr 30mins Airport to Mirissa: Before 3 hrs 45mins / Now 3hrs Airport to Tangalle: Before 4 hrs 45mins / Now 4hrs” Authenticities Sri Lanka |
Varför är Sri Lanka en topp IT-partner?
Företagare frågar mig ofta vad som gör Sri Lanka till en topp teknisk partner.
Här är fyra huvudskäl:
Våra samarbetspartners har lång erfarenhet och har bistått många svenska kunder att etablera sina lokala team med dedikerade mjukvaruutvecklare på Sri Lanka.
Deras tjänster omfattar rekrytering (om de inte har lediga utvecklare som möter dina behov), urval, anställning, onboarding, prestationshantering, regelbundna kompensationsgranskningar, utbildning och utveckling samt exitadministration. Som sagt, du är den som väljer utvecklarna för ditt team och du är den som ska samarbeta med dem direkt med hjälp av de metoder och verktyg du föredrar.
Företagen som vi introducerar till dig är medelstora med hög standard – de bygger realistiska förväntningar och hjälper dig att nå dina mål effektivt. Du kommer alltid att vara en prioriterad kund och har direktaccess till ledningen.
Du kan börja med att engagera en juniorutvecklare eller direkt bygga upp ett team av fem medel- eller seniorutvecklare det är allt upp till dig.
Sri Lanka är känt för sin låga personalomsättning. Vi kan berätta om goda exempel där samma team har arbetat med samma kund i 10 år.
Kontakta för mer information
The Swedes started electric car companies in East Africa – expanding to Sweden
Google translated article that should be of interest for our Sri Lankan friends.
The Swedes started electric car companies in East Africa – expanding to Sweden
Swedish opener Opibus converts fossil-fueled safari cars to electric cars in East Africa. But now the company is going to broaden its operations and establish itself in Sweden. Read more here and see the interview with Filip Gardler, one of two CEOs at Opibus, in Di-tv Motor.
Opibus started rebuilding safari vehicles for electric cars in Kenya as late as 2018. The company also works with renewable energy and in building infrastructure for charging electric cars in the country. By 2021-2022, approximately 1,000 vehicle conversions will be made per year in East Africa.
But the safari industry is just an entry-level market. Now the company also builds motorcycles and works with charging infrastructure.
“There are around 1.2 billion vehicles in the world that are fossil-fueled. Replacing these with newly manufactured electric cars is neither financially nor resources justifiable. By converting to electric power, we instead see the existing vehicle fleet as a platform for more sustainable mobility, ”says Filip Gardler, one of two CEOs at Opibus.
In Kenya, the established car manufacturers have not invested in selling electric cars. But the local market exists.
“The region has been a dumping market for yesterday’s technology, not just in the automotive and transport industries. But thanks to lower maintenance and fuel costs, there is a great demand for electric cars. And then you are willing to compromise, with, for example, reach, to take advantage of the savings it entails to run on electricity. ”
Opibus uses lithium-ion batteries, but with iron phosphate and not cobalt, which is the most common in the automotive industry. The batteries used by Opibus have lower energy density, but on the other hand can withstand far more charge cycles.
Choosing a different battery chemistry means that the company is not affected by any component shortage in terms of batteries.
”We have a well-established partnership with our current supplier and have production lead times in just a couple of weeks,” says Filip Gardler.
Driving an electric car in Kenya is quickly becoming a profit business, both environmentally and financially.
”You have 80 percent renewable electricity in the energy mix and the country has an excess electricity thanks to the rapid growth of wind, solar and geothermal energy.”
Opibus expects within a year to make about 1,000 conversions on a yearly basis in Kenya.
”Authorities, politicians and the business community are very welcoming, you see opportunities for a technology boost, local production and a reduced need for oil imports,” says Filip Gardler.
A similar operation will soon be in place in Sweden as well. Now the company is looking for both staff and premises.
“We have long thought about how we can take on a slightly more mature market like Sweden. But we see that we can lower the cost of the transition to electrified transport here as well and create an alternative to new purchases of electric cars. ”
The basic price of a conversion from Opibus varies depending on the vehicle, but starts at SEK 100,000-150,000 and then you get a range of about 20 km, but if you want to build more battery capacity.
So far, the conversion industry is in its infancy, with a few startups in the world. But Filip Gardler believes the market will accelerate.
“I am absolutely convinced. For example, in our French partner company Phoenix Mobility, we received about 5,000 inquiries in a short time, without any marketing whatsoever. And, as I said, replacing the existing vehicle park with newly built electric cars cannot be done. It’s about reducing the cost barrier to reach new consumer groups and accelerate the sustainable transition, ”says Filip Gardler.
Studieresor till Sri Lanka
Du som har behov av it-utvecklare missa inte tillfället att följa med på studieresa till Sri Lanka.
Läs mer på Best of Sri Lanka
Nytt nyhetsbrev om Sri Lanka
I det senaste nyhetsbrevet tar vi bl a upp den positiva nyheten om att det inte kommer kosta något att söka visum för svenskar. Detta gäller i sex månader på prov, men missa inte att söka på
Ambassaden i Stockholm bjuder också in till en Sri Lanka-afton för all svenska lanka-lovers.
Bilfritt i Colombo
Nederländerna som är ett cyklande land och dessutom har en ambassad på Sri Lanka (vilket Sverige inte har…) har tagit initiativ till en bilfri dag i delar av Colombo. Den 14 juli genomförs aktiviteten.
Läs mer i denna artikel;
Nyhetsbrev från Sweden-Sri Lanka Business Council
Senaste nytt från Sweden-Sri Lanka Business Council
Per Andersson Vagabond
Per Andersson från tidningen Vagabond har skrivit många reportage om Sri Lanka. Nyligen skrev han följande betraktelse om Sri Lanka