Kategoriarkiv: Turism

Uppdatering avseende inresa Sri Lanka

The Ministry of Health in Sri Lanka has further relaxed travel protocols to Sri Lanka. Kindly note the change denoted below in Green pertaining to the COVID-19 insurance. 

These change has taken effect since 17 June 2022. 

  • Unvaccinated/ Partially-Vaccinated Travellers (12 years and above) to carry a negative COVID-19 PCR test report (done within 72 hours prior to embarkation) OR Rapid Antigen Test report (done within 48 hours prior to embarkation), Self Swabs are disallowed. 
  • The original vaccination certificate/ vaccination card/ verifiable evidence of vaccination, PCR test report/ RAT test report should be produced (in English).
  • The mandatory requirement to have an insurance coverage for COVID-19 treatment is lifted with effect from 17 June 2022. 
  • Submission of Health Declaration Form is not required.
  • Definition of a Fully Vaccinated Traveller (applicable to Sri Lanka) – If taken a two-dose vaccine (Pfizer, Sinopharm, Moderna, AstraZeneca etc.) or recommended combination of vaccine (e.g. Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca) or if taken a single dose vaccine (e.g. Janssen etc.) and depart two weeks after obtaining the vaccine. 

Procedure after formalities at the Airport

Vaccinated(departed 14 days after complete vaccination)

**No Covid-19 tests (PCR or RAT) required to be done BEFORE travelling to Sri Lanka.

  1. Free to travel to the community WITHOUT any other tests or quarantine stays.
  2. Children (18 years and below) if departed 14 days after obtaining at least a single dose of a recognised Vaccine, will be considered ‘Fully Vaccinated’.

Unvaccinated Children of Vaccinated Parents

  1. Up to 12 Years: No tests are needed.
  2. 12 – 18 Years: Exempted from pre-boarding and on arrival (day 1) COVID-19 test if departed two weeks after obtaining at least a single dose of Pfizer/ Moderna vaccine as that will be considered as ”Fully Vaccinated”. 

Unvaccinated/ Partially Vaccinated

  1. Should mandatorily carry a negative COVID-19 PCR test report done within 72 hours prior to embarkation OR RAT done within 48 hours prior to embarkation. 
  2. Exempted from On-Arrival (day 1) PCR Test.
  3. No further quarantine required if arriving with a negative test.

Unvaccinated Children of Unvaccinated/ Partially Vaccinated Parents

  1. Up to 12 Years: No tests are needed
  2. 12-18 Years: Protocol same as ’Unvaccinated/ Partially Vaccinated’ Parents.

Pre-infected travellers

  1. Travellers with a history of COVID-19 infection more than 6 months before date of departure with a single dose of a two-dose vaccine are NOT considered ’fully vaccinated’. Therefore they should arrive with a negative pre-boarding COVID-19 test but will be exempted from on-arrival (day 1) test.  
  2. Persons who have taken at least a single dose of a two-dose vaccine and after vaccination had COVID-19 infection during the past six months will be considered as ”Fully Vaccinated” and exempted from pre-boarding and on-arrival (day 1) COIVD-19 test. 
  3. Persons who had COVID-19 infection within past six months and after the infection taken a single dose of a two-dose vaccine will be considered as fully vaccinated and exempted from pre-boarding and on arrival (day 1) COVID-19 test. 
  4. Persons with COVID-19 infection should depart from their country to travel to Sri Lanka after 7 days of onset  of COVID-19 infection. They should carry a diagnosis card or verifiable evidence of positive COIVD-19 test report (PCR/RAT) as a proof of past history of illness.
  5. If travellers become infected with COVID-19 after arriving to Sri Lanka, isolation up to 7 days in an approved ’Safe & Secure certified’ hotel is mandatory.

Local Regulation on Wearing Face Masks

Sri Lanka has decided to relax the mandatory rule on wearing face masks. Therefore, wearing the face mask will not be mandatory at public places, except when using public transport, and during indoor events.


Statistik för februari 2022 från Sri Lanka Tourism. Värt att notera är att Danmark fortsätter att vara ett större marknad än Sverige. Det har inte varit fallet tidigare. Beror bedömt på bra gruppförsäljning.

I dokumentet kommenteras påverkan av den ryska invasionen av Ukraina på Sri Lanka turism. Detta då ryssar är den största gruppen och resenärer från Ukraina varit 5:e största tidigare.

Det finns även intressant undersökning som ger en uppfattning om varför turisten besöker Sri Lanka.


Notera all vår kommunikation förutsätter att alla resenärer är fullvaccinerade. För ovaccinerade barn finns vissa specialregler – https://www.srilanka.travel/helloagain/

Tips är att skriva ut allt underlag. 

Vad behövs för att besöka paradisön? 


Qatar har bäst förbindelser från Stockholm och landar flest gånger/dagen på Colombo flygplats. 

Från Göteborg fungerar Turkish och LOT väl via sina respektive hubbar. Sri Lankan är ett alternativ från Frankfurt eller Paris. 

För dem som använder Kastrup för att komma ut i världen är Qatar återigen det rekommenderade valet. 


sökes online  https://eta.gov.lk/slvisa/

I värsta fall (eget slarv eller tekniska problem) går det att söka visum  on arrival.

Test före avresa och vaccinpass

Test behövs inte- Endast vaccinpasss skall uppvisas. 


fylls i online https://www.airport.lk/health_declaration/index

I värsta fall eller tekniska problem – den går att lämna in i pappersformat.

Teckna den obligatoriska Covid-försäkringen


I värsta fall eller tekniska problem – den går att teckna på flygplatsen.


Flygbolagen skickar ut information vad som gäller, men de senaste resenärer som flög hem med Qatar behövde inget PCR-test. Detta förutsätter att de är svenska medborgare eller fast boende i Sverige. Även om resenären åker via Köpenhamn och tar ”landvägen” till Sverige behövs inte test. 

Mer info om Sri Lanka

Kontakta oss gärna på info@srilankaguiden.se


Hej resevänner,

Vi har tidigare puffat för att Sri Lanka sedan oktober är öppet för resenärer och även uppdaterat er på förbättringar. 

Vi kan sammanfatta det med att säga att Sri Lanka är den mest öppna och smidiga destinationen för svenskar som söker garanterad sol och värme samt intressanta upplevelser. 

Notera all vår kommunikation förutsätter att alla resenärer är fullvaccinerade. För ovaccinerade barn finns vissa specialregler – https://www.srilanka.travel/helloagain/

Tips är att skriva ut allt underlag. 

Vad behövs för att besöka paradisön?


Vi rekommenderar oftast Qatar tack vare att de har bäst förbindelser och turtäthet. Dessutom har de flugit hela tiden under de väldigt svåra tiderna och det skall premieras.


sökes online  https://eta.gov.lk/slvisa/

I värsta fall (eget slarv eller tekniska problem) går det att söka visum  on arrival.

Test före avresa och vaccinpass

Antigen test taget inom 48 timmar från avresa Sverige med ett negativt resultat är obligatoriskt.

Vaccinpasss skall uppvisas. 


fylls i online https://www.airport.lk/health_declaration/index

I värsta fall eller tekniska problem – den går att lämna in i pappersformat.

Teckna den obligatoriska Covid-försäkringen


I värsta fall eller tekniska problem – den går att teckna på flygplatsen.


Flygbolagen skickar ut information vad som gäller, men de senaste resenärer som flög hem med Qatar behövde inget PCR-test. Detta förutsätter att de är svenska medborgare eller fast boende i Sverige.

Mer info om Sri Lanka

Kontakta oss gärna på info@srilankaguiden.se


Lonely Planet listar de 10 bästa stränderna på Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka’s tropical beaches are unanimously adored. Crafted from a 1340km (833-mile) coastline, its countless topographically varied beaches, coves and bays attract sun-seekers, fun lovers and surfers throughout the year. Wildlife plays its part too – beaches are vital nesting grounds for endangered marine turtles, while blue whales are sighted at sea.

Länk till artikeln


Please see below a refresher on the existing travel guidelines to Sri Lanka.

  • Travellers (12 years and above) to carry a negative COVID-19 PCR test report (done within 72 hours prior to embarkation) OR Rapid Antigen Test report (done within 48 hours prior to embarkation), and the original vaccination card (if applicable) in English. Self Swabs are disallowed. 
  • Click here to pay for mandatory COVID-19 insurance at USD 12 for a policy of USD 75,000 for all travellers including children.
  • Each traveller to fill the online Health Declaration Form here prior to boarding the flight. Upload documents (vaccination record (if applicable), predeparture COVID-19 negative test report, data page of the passport etc.) and obtain the QR code. Ensure to carry this code on mobile or a hardcopy.

Procedure after formalities at the Airport

Vaccinated(departed 14 days after complete vaccination)

  1. Free to travel to the community WITHOUT any other tests or quarantine stays.
  2. Children of 12-18 years if departed 14 days after obtaining at least a single dose of Pfizer Vaccine, will be considered ‘Fully Vaccinated’.

Unvaccinated Children of Vaccinated Parents

  1. Up to 12 Years: No further tests are needed.
  2. 12 – 18 Years: Day 1 PCR to be done at a Lab in Katunayake or Level 1 Safe & Secure Hotel before being allowed to go to the community. If test report is positive (with a CT value > 30), they will be free to travel. 

Unvaccinated/ Partially Vaccinated

  1. On-Arrival PCR Test and undergo a 7-day bio-bubble travel in Level 1 Safe & Secure Hotels.
  2. Exit PCR Test/ RAT by Day 7 and be released to the community.
  3. Travellers who wish to leave to other foreign countries during the bio-bubble period can do so after getting a negative PCR test report. 

Unvaccinated Children of Unvaccinated/ Partially Vaccinated Parents

  1. Up to 12 Years: No tests are needed
  2. 12-18 Years: Protocol same as ’Unvaccinated/ Partially Vaccinated’ Parents.

Pre-infected travellers (within the past 6 months) and arriving with a single dose of vaccine taken 2 weeks after recovery.

  1. If arriving 14 days post-vaccination, the above protocol for ‘vaccinated’ will apply.
  2. If not fully vaccinated, should arrive after obtaining a single dose of Astra Zeneca/ Pfizer BioNTech/ Moderna/ Johnson & Johnson, Sputnik Light etc.
  3. Should carry a diagnosis card, positive PCR test report, positive RAT, verified proof of past illness in English.
  4. If 14 days have not passed post-vaccination, protocols under ‘partially vaccinated’ will apply.
  5. Unvaccinated children up to 18 years will be free to move to the community with their parents.

*For travellers departed within less than two weeks after completion of recommended doses of vaccination, protocols under ‘unvaccinated/ partially vaccinated’ will be applied until they complete Day 14 post-vaccination.

This will be revised depending on the COVID-19 situation in the country and globally.


Vi samlar här nyttiga länka för dig som skall resa till Sri Lanka, men även när du reser tillbaka till Sverige.

Sri Lanka Tourism

Deras sida Hello Again har det mest av informationen

Hemsida Hello Again

Vi förutsätter att du har blivit dubbelvaccinerad.

Colombo Airport

In such unprecedented times, the safety and the protection of our passengers, visitors, and colleagues continue to be on top of our minds.

We know that traveling during this unprecedented time is somewhat different from your previous travel experience, therefore we know you come across areas that you want to clarify before your travel. – Importantly this information hub services will address them.

Hemsida Colombo Airport

visum till sri lanka

Reseguiden Lonely Planet har skrivit en bra sammanställning avseende visum till Sri Lanka

Do you need a visa to go to Sri Lanka?

Sri Lanka may be known as the teardrop isle (due to its distinctive shape), but the country’s refreshingly straightforward visa system shouldn’t be a source of too much anguish for travelers. 

Läs mer