Kategoriarkiv: Turism


Bra info från ett av reseföretagen på Sri Lanka

We wish to inform you that the following enhancements will be applicable for all COVID-19 insurance coverages purchased for travel to Sri Lanka. 

The Value of the insurance cover will be increased to USD 75,000 at the existing rate of USD 12 per person. More details on the coverage can be read on https://srilanka.travel/helloagain/documents/COVID-19Insured/enhanced-insurance-coverage-new.pdf 

The insurance cover can be purchased through this new website https://portal.pionline.lk/covidinsurance  prior to arrival in the country or upon arrival. We recommend our guests do this prior to arrival for more convenience.

This COVID-19 insurance coverage is not required to board a flight but upon landing in Sri Lanka if the guest is not carrying the COVID-19 insurance coverage, it is mandatory to obtain it before leaving the airport grounds to start your tour.


Här kommer en liten rapport från styrelseledamoten Christina Riddebäck i Sweden-Sri Lanka Business Council (www.sslbc.se)

När jag med barn och barnbarn reste hit 8 december 2021 gick allt som smort.

Vi behövde:

1) Vaccinationsbevis (2-3 sprutor Om du inte tagit den 3:e försök få den)

2) PCR test som är negativ  –

3) Elektronisk hälsodeklaration


När du fyller i hälsodeklarationen ska du samtidigt bifoga vaccinationsbevis och PCR test när allt detta är klart får du en QR kod som du sedan scannar på flygplatsen i Colombo. Sen är det bara att åka in i landet.

Alla dokument bör finnas i både pappersformat och digitalt blev vi tipsade om. Jag passerade på flygplatsen i Clb medan en i sällskapet fick visa allt i pappersform också.

Sedan vi åkte in i landet har ingen efterfrågat dessa papper. Vissa hotell uppger att dom kommer efterfråga tex vaccinationsbevis men ingen har ännu frågat oss.

Läget i landet

100% av befolkningen använder munskydd när dom är utanför hemmet förutom när dom äter.

Inte alla hotell och restauranger är öppna.

boka för att få bada även om man är gäst.

Vad vi vet är de flesta gym öppna.

Ett varningens finger för att boka flyg med några av lågprisbolagen. Sett att flera inte kommit iväg pga av inställda resor.

Vi reste med Qatar och det funkade 100%.

Välkommen till paradisön!


Also, kindly note that Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority – SLTDA has issued the attached guidelines for the tourists visiting the Island with effect from 01st January 2022. So that it would be great, if you could advise any of the passengers to arrive in the country to be abide by the advice to enjoy a smooth arrival process.

Quote —–

Visit www.visitsrilanka.gov.lk to pay for COVID 19 Local Insurance Cover which will be MANDATORY from 1st January 2022. (Optionally, travelers can make payment through a SLTDA registered hotel/safe & secure travel agent. For details, visit www.srilanka.travel/helloagain).

motorvägar srilanka

On November 28th, the stretch of the Central Expressway from Meerigama to Kurunegala, which is part 2 of the development project, will be handed over to the public. The public will be given access to the length of the road during a ceremony hosted by the President and the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka. The portion between Meerigama and Kurunegala will feature four lanes and five interchanges.

The Central Expressway segment between Mirigama and Kurunegala will allow the people to travel the approximately 39.7 km between the two places in 25 minutes and for those travelling to Kandy, Kurunegala, or Dambulla, the expressway connecting Colombo and Kandy will be quite easy.

The entrance and departure points would be in Mirigama, Gampaha District, and Kurunegala, respectively.

The Central Expressway Project has been divided into four sections;
 Section 1 from Kadawatha to Mirigama at approximately 37 kmSection 2 from Mirigama to Kurunegala at approximately of 39.7 kmThe stretch from Mirigama to Ambepussa at approximately 9.1 kmSection 3 from Pothuhera to Galagedara at approximately 32.5 kmSection 4 from Kurunegala to Dambulla at approximately 60.3 km
The Central Expressway’s remaining parts are expected to be completed over the next few years.


In response to the current changes in passenger travel dynamics, Airport and Aviation Services Limited (AASL) has taken the initiative to implement an Online COVID-19 Health Declaration System at the Bandaranaike International Airport. The primary goal of implementing this system is to minimize the use of physical form filling and start encouraging passengers to use an online platform, thereby limiting physical contact and passenger process time. Furthermore, because the Health Authorities will be able to receive passenger information ahead of time, they can monitor the passengers’ health records while lowering waiting times.

The system can be accessed via the following link on AASL website www.airport.lk. https://www.airport.lk/health_declaration/health_declaration

01. Passengers must complete and submit the web application form by attaching the documents related to the health declaration – Vaccination card on the first and second doses. – A PCR test report must be completed within 72 hours of embarkation.

02. After submitting the online form, passengers will receive an email with a QR code.

03. Passengers’ information will be given to airport health officers before they arrive, and the information provided by the passengers will be reviewed.

04. Passengers who have completed their health declaration forms online should scan the QR code at the health declaration counter upon arrival. With the implementation of this pilot project at BIA, AASL expects to provide a convenient travel experience for its valued passengers, and after two weeks of testing, this service will be made widely available to benefit passengers arriving in Sri Lanka.