Etikettarkiv: visum

Uppdatering inresa sri lanka

The latest travel protocols, the Ministry of Health in Sri Lanka has updated a few regulations which are indicated in red for your perusal. 

Travellers (2 years and above) to carry a negative COVID-19 PCR test report and the original vaccination card (if applicable) in English done within 72 hours prior to embarkation (Rapid Antigen report is not accepted). 

All travellers (2 years and above) should undergo day 1 PCR testing at the Safe & Secure Level 1 hotel. Children below 12 years of age will be exempted if they continue to stay at a Safe & Secure Level 1 hotel. 

a) Not Vaccinated/ vaccinated with first dose/ departed within less than two weeks after completion of recommended doses of vaccination.

  1. PCR test on Day 1 – if negative, move within Safe & Secure Level 1 hotel and visit sites in bio travel bubble for 14 days (including children between 2 to 18 years).
  1. PCR test between Day 11 to 14 – travellers to undergo the test and upon a negative result, travel freely within the community (including children between 2 to 18 years).

b) Travellers who complete the two weeks period of receiving the recommended doses of vaccination during their stay at a Safe & Secure level 1 Hotel.

  1. PCR test upon completion of 2 weeks (in addition to Day 1) – If negative, move out of bio bubble and travel freely (including children between 2 to 18 years).

c) Fully Vaccinated Travellers/ departed two weeks after completion of recommended doses of vaccination.

  1. PCR test on Day 1 – if negative, can move out of Safe & Secure level 1 hotel/ travel bubble and move freely (including children between 2 to 18 years).
  1. PCR test on Day 7 – not required if day 1 PCR is negative. However, non-vaccinated children between 2 to 18 years of vaccinated parents are required to undergo a PCR test on day 7. The result is to be informed to the area Medical Officer of Health by telephone or email. 

* If accompanying travellers of children below 12 years are positive, they will also be subjected to PCR testing subsequently.

Countries with a temporary travel restriction to Sri Lanka
Those with a travel history (including transit) in the past 14 days to India, South American countries and South African countries (South Africa, Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland, Zambia, Zimbabwe) will not be permitted to disembark in Sri Lanka until further notice. Restriction on Vietnam has been lifted with immediate effect.

The above protocol is effective from 08 July 2021. This will be revised depending on the COVID-19 situation in the country and globally. The above amendments indicated in red will be effective from 17 July 2021 onwards.

Sri Lanka inför visumfritt på prov för 30 länder.

Sverige är ett av de länder som omfattas av det välkomna beslutet från Sri Lanka regering, innebärande att visumfrihet införs i sex månader från 1 maj.

Praktiskt innebär beslutet att svenska turister inte behöver söka och betala för visum när de skall turista på Sri Lanka under 1 maj till 31 oktober.

Notera att det gäller för dem som söker ”visa on arrival”.

Syftet är att öka antalet besökare till Sri Lanka under lågsäsongen, men faller det väl ut är det inte helt omöjligt att det kan permanentas.

Det blir en välkommen besparing för den besökande turisten och de pengarna läggs nog med största sannolikhet på upplevelser, mat&dryck etc. under resan. Vilket kommer att gagna landet ändå.

Leif I Ohlson

Best of Sri Lanka.

Länkar för info

Sri Lankas Ambassad Stockholm

Sri Lankas Immigration