Sri Lanka told about safe travel

With Sri Lanka opening up the country to safe tourism on 21 January, Best of Sri Lanka, Aitken Spence Travels and Qatar Airways chose to launch a series of webinars for Swedish travel agencies.

On February 3, about 20 reps for Swedish travel agencies participated in the webinar under ”Sri Lanka opens up”.

The panel consisted of;

Leif I Ohlson, Founder of Best of Sri Lanka and Secretary General of the Sweden-Sri Lanka Business Council

Pernilla Tillas, Senior Sales Manager and Eunice Raila, Sales Executive, Qatar Airways Sweden

Kapila Aberwaydane, Nordic Manager, Aitken Spence Travels, Sri Lanka

During the webinar, the four presented the current situation in Sri Lanka, how it is possible to travel there safely and what opportunities and experiences are in place within the framework of the safe concept Sri Lanka Tourism has developed.

Many participants came from travel agencies outside the Stockholm area.

“Even though the majority of Swedish tourists travel during October – February, it is important to be able to absorb the travel agencies’ information needs now and in the future. Aitken Spence with long experience as a partner in the Swedish travel industry would like to contribute ”said Kapila Abeywardane

Sweden and the Nordic countries discovered Sri Lanka early on, and before the disturbances of recent years, the number of tourists from the region had increased considerably.

I think it is important that Sri Lanka looks at the Nordic market as a whole, says Leif I Ohlson. Then the Nordic region will be as big a market as France or Russia for Sri Lanka.

Good connections from the Nordic airports are also important. It is gratifying that Qatar believes in Sri Lanka and offers safe, secure and regular travel, states Leif I Ohlson.

We look forward to continuing with more information seminars in the spring, but it is important to emphasize that the authorities ’and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs’ recommendations will be followed. We look ahead and see that there is a future ”concludes Leif I Ohlson.

Leif I Ohlson
