Kategoriarkiv: Resereportage

Nyhetsbrev mars 2017

Tillbaka i Sverige sedan dryg vecka. Hade förmånen att få lyssna på Kommerskollegiums medarbetare som genomförde ett uppskattat seminarium i Colombo. Stor medial uppmärksamhet – här ett exempel. Svenska SVT var också på plats och filmade. Uppskattat var att vår ambassad i New Dehli via Anna Uggla var representerad. Fick i egenskap av gensekr för SSLBC möjlighet att vara en av inledningstalarna – tal.

Veckan efter var det stora möbelvaruhusets inköpare på plats i Colombo för att möta potentiella producenter. En intressant workshop genomfördes.

Nyhetsbrevet har som vanligt ett urval av artiklar om turistm, matt/dryck samt affärsmöjligheter.

För den som vill utveckla affärer med Sri Lanka rekommenderar jag läsning av Sweden-Sri Lanka Business Council nyhetsbrev och möjlighet till medlemskap.

Stark ökning av antalet svenskar som besöker Sri Lanka , +25% i februari – pressmeddelande

Läs hela nyhetsbrevet – klicka här

Vi ses på Sri Lanka!

Leif I Ohlson


Ella i Hill Country på Sri Lanka är en pärla som fler och fler upptäcker.

Här kommer ett inlägg från en besökare;

The Sri Lanka hill country is one of the most beautiful areas of the tropical island. Bright green tea plantations, lush jungle, misty mountain peaks and flowing water falls are just some of the tempting sights. The most popular town to base yourself in is Ella. A laid back highland village in the middle of some spectacular scenery. It’s somewhere to stay for more than just a couple of nights as there are lots of things to do


17 skäl att besöka Sri Lanka 2017

Här kommer ett trevligt reportage/blogginlägg som vi gärna delar vidare. 17 skäl till att besöka Sri Lanka.

Läs och låt dig inspireras;


Exotic, captivating and colourful, Sri Lanka was the final country I visited in 2016. It was a whirlwind adventure across multiple destinations and although I wasn’t there for long, it definitely gave me an authentic taste of what Sri Lanka has to offer. So if you’re after a little travel inspiration for the New Year, you’re in the right place. Let me tell you 17 reasons to visit Sri Lanka in 2017…

17 Reasons to visit Sri Lanka in 2017

Mövenpick öppnar i Colombo

Äntligen – nytt femstjärnigt i Colombo. Har under en längre tid sett hur ett nytt hotell, Mövenpick, har växt fram i Sri Lankas kommersiella huvudstad Colombo.

Här några rader från teamet bakom


We take this opportunity to introduce you to Mövenpick Hotel, Colombo, the first five-star hotel to launch in the city on 2017 after 25 years.


Opening Date      –    07th January 2017


The Brand

The brand journey began in 1948, when founder, the late Ueli Prager stopped to watch a seagull (Möwe in German) along the shores of lake Zurich, swoop down and skillfully pick up food mid-flight. An instant inspiration that has led to genuine success with representation in over 24 countries with 83 hotels, resorts and cruises currently in operation. Traditional Swiss values such as quality, reliability and care with a personal touch, are well lived in all our hotels by simply doing quite normal things in an extraordinary manner.


With a Sri Lankan soul and Swiss heart, our stunning upscale 219 roomed hotel offers a variety of facilities specialized for leisure  guests that range from dedicated rooms verity of dining options and bars and Spa & Gym facilities, and roof top infinity swimming pool. Also for MICE travelers , two  ball rooms, executive lounge to five meetings rooms and a board room with state of the art facilities.


A whole new level of vertical experiences awaits your guests  as we offer an extensive and theatrical range of both fine and informal dining . ”The Brasserie” will take diners on a journey to the cities of Southern France while the ”Robata Grill and Lounge” our Japanese restaurant allows you to drink in the surroundings as you watch the Masters on the Robata Grill. ”AYU”, the All Day Dining is a place where food and drinks are shared with friends, and heat, warmth and an all-embracing energy abound while the ”Vistas bar” on the roof top entices you with plush lounges, bar snacks and swish cocktails with a spectacular sunset in the background. ”The Mansion” is the Hotel’s Club and Night lounge dedicated for Residents and members while the Lobby Lounge will serve tea, coffee and snacks throughout the day. The Pool Bar located on the roof top will serve energizing drinks and fresh snacks.