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Förenklad inresa till sri lanka för vaccinerade
Information på engelska om de senaste reglerna för inresa – det har blivit avsevärt lättare för vaccinerade att resa in – välkommen till Sri Lanka.
The Health Ministry of Sri Lanka has released a set of simplified regulations for travel in Sri Lanka;
Travellers (2 years and above) to carry a negative COVID-19 PCR test report and the original vaccination card (if applicable) in English, done within 72 hours prior to embarkation.
Pre-infected Travellers (during past 3 months) to produce the above or a Rapid Antigen Report (in English) 48 hours prior to embarkation.
Procedure after formalities at the Airport
- Free to travel to the community WITHOUT any other tests or quarantine stays.
Unvaccinated Children of Vaccinated Parents
- Up to 12 Years: No further tests are needed.
- 12 – 18 Years: Day 1 PCR to be done at a Lab in Katunayake or Level 1 Safe & Secure Hotel before being allowed to go to the community.
Unvaccinated/ Partially Vaccinated
- Arrival PCR Test and undergo a 14-day bio-bubble travel in Level 1 Safe & Secure Hotels.
- Exit PCR Test/ RAT on Day 12 and be released on Day 14.
Unvaccinated Children of Unvaccinated/ Partially Vaccinated Parents
- Up to 12 Years: No tests are needed
- 12-18 Years: Protocol same as ’Unvaccinated/ Partially Vaccinated’ Parents.
Pre-infected travellers (within the past 3 months) and arriving with a single dose of vaccine taken 2 weeks after recovery.
- If arriving 14 days post-vaccination, the above protocol for ‘vaccinated’ will apply.
- If not fully vaccinated, should arrive after obtaining a single dose of Astra Zeneca/ Pfizer BioNTech/ Moderna Vaccine.
- If 14 days have not passed post-vaccination, protocols under ‘departed within less than two weeks post-vaccination’ will apply.
- Unvaccinated children, up to 18 years will be free to move to the community with their parents.
*For travellers departed within less than two weeks after completion of recommended doses of vaccination, protocols under ‘unvaccinated/ partially vaccinated’ will be applied until they complete Day 14 post-vaccination.
The above protocol will take place with immediate effect until 31 October 2021. This will be revised depending on the COVID-19 situation in the country and globally.
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Hej, börjar här ett inlägg med tips om Co-working i Colombo
Reseinfo COVID Sri Lanka
Dear Partners,
Greetings from Sri Lanka!
Hope all is well with you and your family!!
As you may be aware, in Sri Lanka, as a key contributor to country’s economy, the Tourism Industry serves multiple purposes. In addition to that being the third largest foreign exchange earner to the country, a large number of direct and indirect employment opportunities are created by tourism, while also facilitating inflow of foreign direct investments to the country. Given the importance of this sector to the national economy of Sri Lanka, it is paramount that we resume tourism activities at the earliest, by ensuring necessary health and safety protocols and procedures are in place.
With the global recognition Sri Lanka gained by effectively managing and controlling the spread of the COVID-19 virus within the country, already there are inquiries from potential travelers and tour groups. While welcoming such gesture of good faith placed in our country by tourists, we realize the importance of implementing planned, organized and well-structured health protocols when resuming tourism in the country, so as to ensure the safety and good health of our guests, all industry stakeholders and the general public.
To achieve the above objective, the Sri Lanka Tourism presents the attached document which provides the tourism operational guidelines to be followed by the stakeholders in all areas of tourism. The Sri Lanka Tourism, in line with the guidance received from the Ministry of Health (MoH) and World Health Organization (WHO), have ensured the right measures are adopted to minimize chances of re-entry and/or spreading of the COVID-19 virus within the country and to implement them in a way that avoids unnecessary inconvenience to tourists and industry stakeholders.
In developing this guideline, the Sri Lanka Tourism also obtained valuable inputs and feedback from all relevant tourism stakeholders, associations, and individuals. The guideline provides the road map with key criteria and steps for ‘Safe and Secure’ restoration of tourism activities amidst the presence of COVID-19. The guideline and the procedures here in are intended to enhance cleanliness and hygiene practices of tourism related venues, services and individuals, where physical distancing, viral infection prevention and controls were considered as key elements in developing the required health protocols.
Hope the above finds you well. Please revert if you have any further clarifications.
Have a good day!
Stay safe!
Thanks & best regards – ERAN
Assistant Manager – Jetwing Travels (Pvt) Ltd
T +94 11 2345700 E 1547 F +94 11 4712818 M +94 77 7287814
Webinar den 26 maj
Så här offshorar ni er applikationsförvaltning!

Svensk ryttare OS-klar – för Sri Lanka
Hoppryttaren Mathilda Karlsson är uttagen till OS i Tokyo – för Sri Lanka.
Karlsson är född i Sri Lanka och adopterades som spädbarn till Sverige och har fram till sommaren 2018 representerat Sverige i tävlingar.http://www.ystadsallehanda.se/nyheter/svensk-ryttare-os-klar-for-sri-lanka/
Varför är Sri Lanka en topp IT-partner?
Företagare frågar mig ofta vad som gör Sri Lanka till en topp teknisk partner.
Här är fyra huvudskäl:
Våra samarbetspartners har lång erfarenhet och har bistått många svenska kunder att etablera sina lokala team med dedikerade mjukvaruutvecklare på Sri Lanka.
Deras tjänster omfattar rekrytering (om de inte har lediga utvecklare som möter dina behov), urval, anställning, onboarding, prestationshantering, regelbundna kompensationsgranskningar, utbildning och utveckling samt exitadministration. Som sagt, du är den som väljer utvecklarna för ditt team och du är den som ska samarbeta med dem direkt med hjälp av de metoder och verktyg du föredrar.
Företagen som vi introducerar till dig är medelstora med hög standard – de bygger realistiska förväntningar och hjälper dig att nå dina mål effektivt. Du kommer alltid att vara en prioriterad kund och har direktaccess till ledningen.
Du kan börja med att engagera en juniorutvecklare eller direkt bygga upp ett team av fem medel- eller seniorutvecklare det är allt upp till dig.
Sri Lanka är känt för sin låga personalomsättning. Vi kan berätta om goda exempel där samma team har arbetat med samma kund i 10 år.
Kontakta leif.ohlson@bestofsrilanka.se för mer information

Studieresor till Sri Lanka
Du som har behov av it-utvecklare missa inte tillfället att följa med på studieresa till Sri Lanka.
Läs mer på Best of Sri Lanka

Nytt nyhetsbrev om Sri Lanka
I det senaste nyhetsbrevet tar vi bl a upp den positiva nyheten om att det inte kommer kosta något att söka visum för svenskar. Detta gäller i sex månader på prov, men missa inte att söka på www.eta.gov.lk
Ambassaden i Stockholm bjuder också in till en Sri Lanka-afton för all svenska lanka-lovers.