Tourist arrivals rose marginally by 0.2% in November this year compared to the same period last year, surpassing 1.8 million arrivals for the year, data released yesterday by the Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority (SLTDA) revealed.
Nearly 1.8 million tourists arrived in Sri Lanka last year contributing $ 2.86 billion in earnings to the Government. Sri Lanka’s Tourism Authority has set a target of 2.5 million tourist arrivals this year.
The latest newsletter from Sweden-Sri Lanka Business Council. 3-4 times per month we publish a newsletter with business news from both Sweden and Sri Lanka.
Vi har under de senaste åren haft förmånen att introducera Sri Lankas IT-industri till svenska företag inom olika branscher (programvaruföretag, IT-konsulter och tjänsteföretag).
Gemensamt för de svenska företagen som kontaktat oss och därefter startat sitt Extended Office på Sri Lanka har varit att de upplevt att det är svårt att rekrytera IT-personal hemma i Sverige.
India has initiated talks with the Sri Lankan Government to develop policies to promote multi-destination packages to potential tourists which include the country as a destination, a top Indian official said yesterday.