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Qatar Airways har uppdaterat sina regler avseende PCR-test för resande från Sri Lanka med transit i Doha. Nu behövs inget PCR-test i den riktningen, men är kravet alltjämt detta vid slutdestinationen måste en giltigt uppvisas vid avresa från Colombo. Not för svenksa medborgare och de med permannent uppehållstillstånd krävs inte PCR-test för ankomst till Sverige.

Läs mer Polisens hemsida – Att resa till Sverige från utlandet under coronapandemin

Uppdatering inresa sri lanka

The latest travel protocols, the Ministry of Health in Sri Lanka has updated a few regulations which are indicated in red for your perusal. 

Travellers (2 years and above) to carry a negative COVID-19 PCR test report and the original vaccination card (if applicable) in English done within 72 hours prior to embarkation (Rapid Antigen report is not accepted). 

All travellers (2 years and above) should undergo day 1 PCR testing at the Safe & Secure Level 1 hotel. Children below 12 years of age will be exempted if they continue to stay at a Safe & Secure Level 1 hotel. 

a) Not Vaccinated/ vaccinated with first dose/ departed within less than two weeks after completion of recommended doses of vaccination.

  1. PCR test on Day 1 – if negative, move within Safe & Secure Level 1 hotel and visit sites in bio travel bubble for 14 days (including children between 2 to 18 years).
  1. PCR test between Day 11 to 14 – travellers to undergo the test and upon a negative result, travel freely within the community (including children between 2 to 18 years).

b) Travellers who complete the two weeks period of receiving the recommended doses of vaccination during their stay at a Safe & Secure level 1 Hotel.

  1. PCR test upon completion of 2 weeks (in addition to Day 1) – If negative, move out of bio bubble and travel freely (including children between 2 to 18 years).

c) Fully Vaccinated Travellers/ departed two weeks after completion of recommended doses of vaccination.

  1. PCR test on Day 1 – if negative, can move out of Safe & Secure level 1 hotel/ travel bubble and move freely (including children between 2 to 18 years).
  1. PCR test on Day 7 – not required if day 1 PCR is negative. However, non-vaccinated children between 2 to 18 years of vaccinated parents are required to undergo a PCR test on day 7. The result is to be informed to the area Medical Officer of Health by telephone or email. 

* If accompanying travellers of children below 12 years are positive, they will also be subjected to PCR testing subsequently.

Countries with a temporary travel restriction to Sri Lanka
Those with a travel history (including transit) in the past 14 days to India, South American countries and South African countries (South Africa, Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland, Zambia, Zimbabwe) will not be permitted to disembark in Sri Lanka until further notice. Restriction on Vietnam has been lifted with immediate effect.

The above protocol is effective from 08 July 2021. This will be revised depending on the COVID-19 situation in the country and globally. The above amendments indicated in red will be effective from 17 July 2021 onwards.


Det bästa sättet att uppleva ett land sägs vara via maten och litteraturen.

Sri Lanka har ett underbart kök, som många resenärer lärt sig uppskatta. Nu när vi inte fått resa på länge är behovet av en riktig lankesisk måltid ännu större.

Glädjande nog börjar det öppnas lankesiska restauranger i Sverige. Nedan en lista över några av dem. Vi recenserar inte utan vill bara sprida info. Har vi missat någon? Maila och tipsa.

Stockholms län


Original Sri Lanka



Ceylon Spice Pot







Västra Götaland

Oley’s Multi Cuisine

Facebook sida






8 juli 2021

Ett uppdaterad beslut avseende rutiner för inresa har delgivitis.

As per the latest circular issued by the Ministry of Health in Sri Lanka, please be informed of the updated travel regulations when visiting Sri Lanka.

Travellers to carry a negative COVID-19 PCR test report and the original vaccination card (if applicable) in English done within 72 hours prior to embarkation (Rapid Antigen report is not accepted).

All travellers (2 years and above) should undergo day 1 PCR testing at the Safe & Secure Level 1 hotel. Children below 12 years of age will be exempted if they continue to stay at a Safe & Secure Level 1 hotel. 

a) Not Vaccinated/ vaccinated with first dose/ departed within less than two weeks after completion of recommended doses of vaccination.

  1. PCR test on Day 1 – if negative, move within Safe & Secure Level 1 hotel and visit sites in bio travel bubble for 14 days (including children between 2 to 18 years).
  1. PCR test between Day 11 to 14 – travellers to undergo the test and upon a negative result, travel freely within the community (including children between 2 to 18 years).

b) Travellers who complete the two weeks period of receiving the recommended doses of vaccination during their stay at a Safe & Secure level 1 Hotel.

  1. PCR test upon completion of 2 weeks (in addition to Day 1) – If negative, move out of bio bubble and travel freely (including children between 2 to 18 years).

c) Fully Vaccinated Travellers/ departed two weeks after completion of recommended doses of vaccination.

  1. PCR test on Day 1 – if negative, can move out of Safe & Secure level 1 hotel/ travel bubble and move freely (including children between 2 to 18 years).
  1. PCR test on Day 7 – the test report should be emailed to the area Medical Officer. Your hotel help desk or filer handler will assist you with this (including children between 2 to 18 years).

* If accompanying travellers of children below 12 years are positive, they will also be subjected to PCR testing subsequently.

Countries with a temporary travel restriction to Sri Lanka
Those with a travel history (including transit) in the past 14 days to India, Vietnam, South American countries and South African countries (South Africa, Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland, Zambia, Zimbabwe) will not be permitted to disembark in Sri Lanka until further notice.


Hej svenskar i Sri Lanka,

Nedan har ambassaden sammanställt svar på vanligt förekommande frågor från svenskar i Sri Lanka.

  • Honorärkonsulatet i Sri Lanka kan inte ta emot ansökningar om ordinarie pass eller nationellt ID-kort. Detta på grund av att Honorärkonsulat inte kan vara en ordinarie passmyndighet. Ansökan om ordinarie pass eller ID-kort kan göras vid Sveriges ambassad i New Delhi. Vi är medvetna om de svårigheter många utlandssvenskar står inför när det kommer till förnyelse av pass, dessvärre är personlig inställelse fortsatt ett krav. Sveriges honorärkonsulat i Colombo tar dock emot ansökningar om provisoriskt pass.

Pass utomlands – Sweden Abroad

Provisoriskt pass – Sweden Abroad

  • Det är möjligt att erhålla konsulär service från vårt Honorärkonsulatet i Colombo för t.ex. samordningsnummer eller levnadsintyg. På grund av lockdowns eller COVID så kan är det viktigt att kontakta Honorärkonsulatet i god tid för att se när det är möjligt besöka Honorärkonsulatet.  

Telefon och email för Honorärkonsulatet: +94 1125 00760,

  • Svenska medborgare  behöver inte visa upp något negativt PCR-test för inresa i Sverige, dock kan det krävas av avgångslandet, transitlandet eller flygbolaget så det är viktigt att kontrollera COVID-bestämmelserna innan avresa.

Rekommendationer till dig som reser in i Sverige från utlandet — Folkhälsomyndigheten (

  • UD har beslutat att förlänga avrådan från icke nödvändiga resor till och med den 1 september. UD har hävt avrådan för ett antal länder, dock inte Sri Lanka.

Ändringar av avrådan från icke nödvändiga resor till alla länder –

Covid-19: Lägesbild och reseinformation – Sweden Abroad

Det är viktigt för ambassadens beredskapsarbete att vi har en uppdaterad svensklista, följ länken nedan för att registrera dig på svensklistan. Om du får detta mejl och inte befinner dig i Sri Lanka ber vid vänligen att avanmäla dig från svensklistan.

Svensklistan – Sweden Abroad

Avanmälan – Sweden Abroad

Jag finns på plats under hela sommaren om ni har fler frågor eller funderingar.

Allt gott /

Lars Halvardsson

Second Secretary

Consular & Administrative Section

4-5 Nyaya Marg, Chanakyapuri

New Delhi 110021

Phone: +91 11 44197100

The Island of Ingenuity to bolster IT enabling infrastructure

Sri Lanka-known in the IT Industry as the Island of Ingenuity -will redouble efforts to bolster the island nations IT enabling environment by creating even more dependable connectivity and infrastructure leading to a dynamic, competitive, innovative telecommunications milieu. Plans are set to establish 60 bps backbone connectivity in three years through the optical fiber submarine communications cable system or the Sea – Me – We cable that carries telecommunications between Sri Lanka and other nations.

A recent report in the island nation’s independent English-language weekly the Sunday Times quoted Chairman – Telecommunication Regulatory Authority (TRC) Mr. Oshada Senanayake as saying ”The Sea – Me – We 6 submarine cable which would carry telecommunications between Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and Western Europe is now being discussed through the convergence of telco operators across the region. We are looking at adding a further 6o bps of backbone connectivity in three years when Sea – Me – We are ready”. The report states Sri Lanka is “working on one of the first-in-the-world submarine cable resilience programme with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime’s Global Maritime Crime Programme” and adds “The telco regulator has introduced a spectrum management framework to streamline spectrum allocation”. With a view to empowering innovation in the country,  Sri Lanka will introduce sandboxing aimed at frequency testing which will give “spectrum to test certain Internet of Things (loT) projects etc.

Sri Lanka is one of South Asia’s most innovative and dynamic IT and Business Process Management (BPM) hubs. It is home to a vibrant knowledge solutions industry that boasts an international footprint, with an accelerating number of global firms that have discovered the country’s innovative prowess. Ranked among the Top 15 Global Outsourcing destinations by AT Kearney, Sri Lanka are ranked among Top 20 Emerging Cities by Global Services Magazine.

The country’s rise to prominence as a global technology and BPM hub has been driven by a number of strengths such as robust and niche talent base, strong industry foundation, high value opportunities and a multi-faceted industry foundation, high value opportunities and a multi-faceted industry.


14th June 2021 ( 1425 hrs/SL time)

Warm Greetings from Sri Lanka !!!!

Due to ongoing Covid 19 related issues / developments, some of the travel related guidelines and health & safety protocols are also evolving / changing time to time, as required accordingly to the domestic conditions even in Sri Lanka as same as with many other countries around the world. So that we just wanted to share some clarifications and answers for frequently asked questions by many of the tour operators. Hope, this information will help you to get a better understanding on what’s going on in the Island and the general arrangements towards tourism arrivals in to the country.  

  1. Current Covid 19 situation in Sri Lanka ?

Since the first Covid – 19 patient, was detected in March 2020, the country has recorded 223,638 confirmed Covid patients as of 14th June 2021. Out of which, 188,547 patients have been recovered and discharged from the hospitals up to now. Currently, there are 32,955 active cases undergoing medical treatments at the hospitals and intermediatory care centers. In the month of June, an average of 2361 daily new cases are being reported. A total of 2136 deaths have been recorded up to date, since the beginning of the pandemic in the Isle.

  1. Are International airports in Sri Lankan open again?

Yes, passengers are permitted to arrive in Sri Lanka back again via International Airports with effect from 01st June 2021 subject to the following restrictions until further notice:

  • Each incoming flight can carry only a maximum of 75 passengers in total. 
  • However, the above limitation does not apply for the passengers arriving via the Sri Lanka Tourism Bio Bubble Route holding tourist visas, resident visas & also for dual citizens. (
  • Passengers with a travel history (including transit) in the past 14 days to India, Vietnam, South Africa and the countries in South America are not permitted to disembark in Sri Lanka.
  • All foreign passport holders are subject to a 14 day mandatory quarantine period since the arrival in the country. (If they travel in the tourist route and in the bio bubble, no mandatory minimum stay requirement in Sri Lanka).
  • Even for fully vaccinated Sri Lankans or Dual Citizens arriving should undergo a mandatory Home Quarantine covering up to 14 days since the arrival in Sri Lanka, post the first few nights stay at a level one hotel (approx. 02 nights) and after getting discharged from there with a Negative PCR test results.
  1. What are the latest quarantine and testing rules applicable for the tourists arrive in Sri Lanka?

All passengers (except Sri Lankans and Dual Citizens) are arriving in Sri Lanka must have an appropriate ”valid visa”, which has been issued by the Department of Immigration and Emigration.

Visa should apply through Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA).

Given below are the Basic Health Protocols (applicable as of now), that guests should know, before arriving in Sri Lanka via “Tourist Route” (i.e. Step 01 – 04).                           

Step – 01; Prior to boarding travelers are required to:

  1. Have negative PCR test done within 72 hours before boarding the flight from your current destination.
  2. A hotel booking is made at a Safe & Secure Level One (L1) hotel/s for the duration of stay. (Approx. 13 Nights, if fully vaccinated or none-vaccinated guests).
  3. If required by the clients, it is allowed to move within L1 hotels with a bio bubble and use all authorized facilities of the hotel/s. Please visit for more information.
  4. Pay & get arranged for mandatory COVID-19 local travel insurance cover at a cost of USD 12.00 per cover (a policy worth of USD 50,000.00 for a period of one month), when making hotel booking/s. This is compulsory for all the travelers including infants.
  5. Pre-pay for mandatory PCR tests, when making hotel booking/s (USD 40.00 per test) depending on the number of days of stay:
  • If your stay is 05 or more days, pay for 02 PCR tests (i.e. on arrival and exit PCR in Sri Lanka).
  • However, if the stay is less than 05 days, no exit PCR is required (unless your departure flight / destination needs).
  • Children below 02 years are exempted from PCR testing. (However, if the parents/guardians/accompanying any other members in the family or the group develop symptoms or result in positive PCR test reports, even infants will have to undergo PCR tests).
  1. Children between 02-12 years undergo only exit PCR tests.
  1. Airport transfers to be arranged through a Safe & Secure Certified entity only.
  2. It is a must to get the approval from relevant authority in relevant to the health & safety of the country, with relevant supportive documents to release / discharge anyone to the community, after completing the required stay period at L1 hotel/s (Discharge Letter).

Step – 02; On arrival at the Sri Lankan airport, produce the following:

a. Negative COVID-19 PCR report (in English) taken within 72 hours before the flight.

b. Completed Health Declaration Form.

Step – 03; Stay at the pre booked Certified Safe & Secure L1 hotel/s for up to first 14 days, since the arrival in Sri Lanka and undergo on-arrival PCR test. (Travelers are allowed to stay at any number of Certified Safe & Secure L1 hotels and permitted to use all facilities of the hotel upon an on arrival negative PCR test report). Also, until the guests get a negative PCR test results for the on arrival PCR test, they need to stay 100% inside the room, irrespective of whether they are vaccinated or none-vaccinated. Travelers are also allowed to visit approved tourist sites in a bio bubble during their stay period in Sri Lanka. Visit

Step – 04; Perform the second PCR;

a. If stay is more than 14 days – perform second PCR on 11th -14th day of arrival. Upon negative results for both PCRs travelers are allowed to leave the bio-bubble and the respective L1 hotel doctor will issue a discharge document upon verifying the PCR test results. (However, if the traveler is identified as an immediate close contact of a COVID 19 positive case/s, the bio-bubble period could be extended as decided by the L1 hotel doctor in consultation with the area medical officers of health). Once travelers leave the bio bubble and go into the community, they will be subject to the general health guidelines prevailing by that time in the country.

b. If stay is between 05-14 days – perform the PCR depending on the date of departure (i.e. 24-48 hours before departure).

c. If stay is less than 05 days – no exit PCR required, unless their flight / destination asks for the same.

**Imp. Please note that these guidelines could be changed anytime without prior notice, depending on the health & safety requirements of the country at the discretion of the relevant authorities. So that please always, need to check for the latest guidelines as well as the validity period of the relevant circulars, letters, etc.. for more accurate information.

  1. Are you seeing an improvement with the Lockdown in Sri Lanka?

The country is on extended lockdown until 21st June 2021 with travel restrictions as of now. Essential services such as medical, pharmaceutical, grocery and  food outlets are in operation  without any interruption. The two international airports in the country are open for passenger and cargo flights.

Also, we see a good improvement in terms of reporting COVID-19 patients.  

If you have any specific question/s or clarifications required, please always feel free to get in touch with us.

We wish you the best of health and stay safe !!!

Let the journey begin – Ask Us

Kind Regards,


Indika Abeykoon

General Manager – Aitken Spence Travels (Pvt) Ltd.

Aitken Spence Tower II, 315, Vauxhall Street, Colombo 02, Sri Lanka

T: +94 112499595 (D) M: +94 777 270351