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Why not live and work from Sri Lanka?
The new age of digital nomads
For those of us set to be working from home for the foreseeable future, an array of exciting possibilities has opened up. No longer limited by rigid working hours, face-to-face meetings and the daily commute, we have increased our everyday leisure time, and can work from whichever base we find most convenient: our bed; the garden; a coffee shop – or even a different country.
The phrase ‘digital nomads’ was first bandied about over a decade ago, largely in reference to millennials seeking to break away from the constraints of the traditional workplace and wrangle the power of social media to make the world their office, but with traditional working models now being uprooted in all industries, people of all ages now also have the chance to seize this freedom.
Travel news market 5 november
Sweden-Sri Lanka Business Council (SSLBC) har omfattande kunskaper om Sri Lanka och förutsättningarna för att göra affärer med eller etablera sig på Sri Lanka. SSLBC har ett stort nätverk och ett gott renommé och genomför kontinuerligt aktiviteter i Sverige och på Sri Lanka för att stötta handelsutbytet mellan våra två länder. Turismen är viktig näringsgren inom detta utbyte. Vi bistår med kunskap och kontakter inför den kommande återstarten.
Dear travel industry colleagues.
Travel News Market will be held as planned November 5th, 2020. The development of the Covid – 19 pandemic in Sweden is going in a positive way so we decided to go through with this trade fair in a safe way. We believe that there is a great demand for restart the travel trade and start meeting each other again. Although this time in a safe way with the following instructions.
* Visitors must have pree-booked meetings
* Meetings must be sitting down
* Face mask is offered if needed
* Be restrictive with free-flow networking
* Mingle parties are not permitted
Kalender 2021
Här kommer kalender för nästa år på Sri Lanka.
Networks produce cheap respirators
Researchers at Malmö University are part of an international network that produces drawings to be able to manufacture cheap respirators. The equipment will now be inspected and the hope is that it will be able to be used within two years.
A group of volunteers in various specialist areas, including dentists, doctors and engineers, have formed the LibreLabs platform. Covid-19 has shown the need to be able to help patients through the development of new technology. The purpose of the collaboration is to make medical technology accessible to all. The drawings can be downloaded for free.
- The pandemic has shown that the lack of respirators is a problem in many parts of the world, for example in my home country Sri Lanka, says Manjula Herath, doctoral student at the Faculty of Dentistry.
Lives up to medical standard
Respirators help patients with breathing. The aim is to make a sustainable and affordable solution that is made available for production in low- and middle-income countries, where there is a significant shortage of respirators.
- It’s not a field respirator. It will be a respirator that lives up to the medical technical European standard and that works for long-term use. We are not there yet, but that is our goal, says Manjula Herath.
Together with colleague Lisa Papia, senior lecturer and dental technician, he has developed a design for 3D prints of some of the key components found in a respirator. Researchers at Trinity College Dublin have contributed computer simulations. In total, about 15 researchers are included in the project.
Can be ready within two years
- We produce the drawings and create files. Based on them, you should be able to make respirators yourself, says Lisa Papia.
A first prototype will undergo a quality assessment in London by an independent party to see if the equipment works as intended. Manjula Herath and Lisa Papia believe that this will be ready within six months. Changes will probably need to be made, and they consider it realistic that an approved respirator can be in place within two years.
- To be able to get there, we need financing, which is something we work with, says Manjula Herath.
”A commercially manufactured respirator today costs around 10,000 dollars and we believe that ours can be manufactured for around a tenth of that cost,” he says.
Kanelbullens dag
Idag den 4 oktober firar vi i Sverige kanelbullens dag, men det är viktig att äta den rätta och nyttigare kanelen. Nämligen den som kommer från Sri Lanka och benämns Ceylon Cinnamon. https://kurera.se/darfor-ska-du-valja-ratt-sorts-kanel/
Journalisten Anna-Britta Ståhl har besökt Sri Lanka och genom åren skrivit mycket om hälsa däribland kanel (Ceylon Cinnamon)
I Sverige kan du t ex köpa Ceylon Cinnamon hos CeylonStores –
Nyhetsbrev sweden-sri lanka business council
Det senaste nyhetsbrevet från Sweden-Sri Lanka Business Council har publicerats.
Länk till nyhetsbrevet; http://gantrack.com/t/pm/3999062428093/2428093/
Nyhetsbrev sri lanka
Senaste nytt från och om Sri Lanka finner du i detta nyhetsbrev som ges ut Best of Sri Lanka.
Denna gång tar vi upp jackfruit och kokosnötter två nyttiga livsmedel som det finns gott om på Sri Lanka.
Läs nyhetsbrevet här; http://gantrack5.com/t/v/3_Mzg2MDU4ODM1Mg==/
A world of colonial charm that blends perfectly with its sublime surroundings of rolling tea plantations and emerald green forests. A beautifully restored bungalow, dating back to the days of the British Empire, sits amidst the lush vegetation. Hanthana is recognized as one of the Sri Lanka’s most picturesque regions and the panoramic view from our bungalow will not disappoint. This heritage residence is reminiscent of a by-gone era, revived to accommodate every whim and fancy of the discerning traveller. An esplanade of columns, almost Grecian in its grandeur, awaits your arrival along with a personal butler who shall attend to you throughout your stay.
A host of activities abound, be it a challenging hike or a gentle stroll through our sprawling gardens, a spot of bird watching or a game of croquet on the sun-drenched lawn. Meal times are a highly personalized affair, with authentic Sri Lankan and Western cuisine on offer. Perhaps freshly prepared local fare for lunch – fragrant yellow rice accompanied by a delectable rainbow of flavourful curries followed by a dinner of roasted rack of lamb, cooked to perfection.
Your experience of colonial Sri Lanka will begin at the train station itself, where you will be picked up in our vintage Series Land Rover and driven to the Estate in the classic style of a British planter, stationed in these magical hills over a century ago.