Etikettarkiv: Affärsutveckling
Golden Visa
Uppdatering Sri Lanka
En uppdatering från en resebyrå på Sri Lanka som vi gärna delar.
In our previous updates, we did mention Sri Lanka’s Economic crisis was going to last for 3 months (up to August) and the worst was yet to come, and that moment has arrived.
The Government of Sri Lanka announced a day before, starting 28th June & up to 10th Of July fuel will be only issued for essential services categorized as per the Gazette notification which includes Medical services, Military & Police, Public transport, Export-oriented services, Airports, and Tourism. All others were requested to curtail travel & work from home. The Schools too were closed.
This was a sensible decision to manage the fuel stocks at hand & until such time new stocks arrive post 10th Of July. As we speak, the following actions are taken by the Government of Sri Lanka to restore energy security to the country & stabilize the economy.
- In a step close to integration with India in energy security, Sri Lanka has sought to purchase four shipments of fuel – 40,000 tons each- from India on cash payment terms, India is a bulk purchaser of fuel from the global market with attractive discounts. Initially, a shipment of diesel will be dispatched. Afterwards, petrol will be sent depending on the requirements. However, it will take at least one more week for the purchase to materialize.
- Our Energy Minister is currently in Qatar for a meeting with State Energy Minister.
- The Cabinet approval was granted to open fuel imports and retail sales market to companies from oil-exporting nations, the companies will be selected upon their ability to import fuel and operate without Forex requirements from the Central Bank of Sri Lanka.
- International Monetary Fund (IMF) team is in the country speaking with the Government on a bailout program, The IMF team, visiting Colombo through June 30, is continuing talks on what would be Sri Lanka’s 17th rescue program. The IMF has reaffirmed its commitment to support Sri Lanka at this difficult time, in line with the IMF’s policies.
We feel the IMF visit, overlapping with debt restructuring talks, will yield a quick staff-level agreement and a fast track for IMF board disbursements. IMF program is crucial to access bridge financing from sources such as the World Bank and Asian Development Bank.
- A high-level delegation representing the U.S. Department of the Treasury and the U.S. Department of State is also in Sri Lanka currently Members of the delegation include Robert Kaproth, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Treasury for Asia, and Ambassador Kelly Keiderling, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia. The visitors met with a wide range of political representatives, economists, and international organizations. In all their meetings, they are exploring the most effective ways for the U.S. to support Sri Lankans in need.
Over the past two weeks, the U.S. has announced $120 million in new financing for Sri Lankan small and medium-sized businesses, a $27 million contribution to Sri Lanka’s dairy industry, and $5.75 million in humanitarian assistance to help those hit hardest by the economic crisis. The United States also committed $6 million in new grants to provide livelihood assistance to vulnerable populations, and technical assistance on financial reform that will help stabilize the economy. In the coming months, the U.S. will continue to support Sri Lankans as they revive their economy, combat food insecurity, and promote public health and education. The United States also strongly supports Sri Lanka’s decision to seek assistance from the International Monetary Fund, which can provide the most durable resolution to the present crisis.
- A high-level 3-member team from India visited Sri Lanka and held talks with both the PM & the President. The purpose is to look at how to support Sri Lanka during these challenging times.
- Payments for Domestic Gas have been made by the government and the shipments are expected to arrive between the 7th – 12th of July.
- The Australian Cricket Team is currently in Sri Lanka and has been very supportive towards the Island nation’s struggle
- The government is currently holding talks with multiple nations including, the US, Japan, India, and China who have pledged their support
Finally, the Tourism industry is very resilient & we are continuing to receive & service guests in Sri Lanka. By Categorizing Tourism as an essential service, we receive fuel on a priority basis throughout Sri Lanka which has helped us to provide uninterrupted services.
We have been in constant touch with all hotels around Sri Lanka and are pleased to confirm they have no shortages of fuel, food, and beverages. Importation of Certain food items, wines, and alcohol from Overseas too continues uninterrupted.
This is not the case for the general public, sadly the daily struggles continue, but we are all aware we are on the right path to recovery and the change we all want to see in our country’s future course.

Sweden-Sri Lanka Business Council verkar för att utveckla affärsrelationerna mellan Sverige och Sri Lanka.
Detta sker genom nätverkande, seminarier, studieresor, webinar och deras uppskattade nyhetsbrev.
Det senaste nyhetsbrevet om Sverige och Sri Lanka med fokus affärsutveckling publicerades 25 januari.
Här är länken – SSLBC Nyhetsbrev 25 januari
What an actual Great Place To Work looks like.
What makes a company a great place to work? The question may prompt varying answers depending on your own expectations. But a common understanding is that for a work environment to be a “great place”, it comes down to how accommodating a company is to its employees and the business it’s in. Contributing factors often include culture, great pay, ease of communication, having the right support structure, and a whole lot more. But for the likes of Calcey Technologies, a Great Place To Work goes far beyond a mere marketing tagline.
Back when Mangala Karunaratne set up Calcey, the idea was to replicate the Silicon Valley culture in Sri Lanka. This meant building a company with empowered people, flat management structure, pure meritocracy, the whole nine yards. “It’s been a culture that has been growing since 2002”, says Ishara Walpola, Head of HR at Calcey. Read more

Efutures ett av flera IT-bolag från Sri Lanka som råder bot på kompetensbristen i Sverige
I tider av brist på programmerare och testare här hemma i Sverige finns det flera länder som är bra alternativ att vända sig till.
Ett av dessa är Sri Lanka och där går t ex att finna företaget Efutures. De har funnits i över 15 år och har redan ett antal pågående samarbeten med svenska bolag.
Läs mer om Efutures och hur de enkelt sammanfattar 5 skäl till att välja Sri Lanka –
Läs också gärna Radar:s rapport om Sri Lanka som nyligen kommit ut i en uppdaterad version
Tag kontakt med ITBPO Sri Lanka, Leif I Ohlson för att få mer information om möjligheterna –
Tel: 070 517 28 12
Radars rapport om Sri Lanka
Det välkända och etablerade svenska analysföretaget Radar har uppdaterat sin populära rapport om Sri Lanka.
Beställ rapporten genom denna länk
Många CIO:er står inför dilemmat att göra mer med mindre pengar. Kraven på innovation ökar samtidigt som resurserna blir mindre. Outsourcing till ett lågkostnadsland är en väg framåt visar Radar i en kostnadsfri rapport om den srilankesiska IT-marknaden.
Indien har traditionellt varit ledande för offshore inom IT, med leveranser till alla delar av världen. Sri Lanka har ett liknande geografiskt och kulturellt läge med en engelskspråkig befolkning samtidigt som lönekostnaderna är lägre än i Indien.
Slutsatsen i Radars rapport om Sri Lanka som outsourcingdestination är att förutsättningarna är goda för en hög leveranskvalitet och att landet passar väl för svenska företag. Speciellt gäller det för lite mindre eller mellanstora företag, som ligger utanför målgruppen för de etablerade outsourcingleverantörerna från exempelvis Indien. Detsamma gäller IT-konsulter med behov av resursförstärkning till en låg kostnad.
Test- och kvalitetssäkring är två intressanta specialområden. Styrkan vid den här typen av outsourcing är applikationsförvaltning, medan innovation och nyutveckling är en svaghet.
Rapporten är på 12 sidor. Här ingår analys och detaljstudier av två offshoreföretag i Sri Lanka och två svenska köpare.
Mötesplats Colombo
Bilder fr april 2016Margot Wallström besök
Nyhetsbrev/newsletter from Sweden-Sri Lanka Business Council
Sweden-Sri Lanka Business Council tar i sitt senaste nyhetsbrev upp ett antal intressanta ämnen;
Investering i greenbuildings
Senaste turiststatistiken
Om hur några av bankerna på Sri Lanka förändrar sig digitalt
Dessutom ytterligare artiklar om både svenska och lanesiska förhållanden.
Läs nyhetsbrevet via denna länk