För att underlätta och öka bekvämligheten för passagerare, som ankommer till Bandaranaike International Airport, inför Department of Immigration & Emigration från 1 januari 2023 följande rutiner;

Ankomstkorten måste fyllas i av utländska passinnehavare som anländer till landet och kan smidigt skickas in online.

Denna rutin kommer att gälla från och med 1 januari 2023.

Du skall fylla i information tre (3) dagar före resedatumet. Formuläret kan fyllas i på Immigrations- och emigrationsverkets hemsida via denna länk’#/home-page

Sri Lanka departure, arrival cards online for travellers

ECONOMYNEXT – Sri Lanka’s Department of Immigration has opened a facility to fill embarkation cards online for tourists and departing domestic passengers online, a government statement said.

The facility is available via –

Sri Lankan citizens have to fill an embarkation card while departing the country.

Foreign visitors have to fill an arrival card.

The data can be filled up to three days before embarkation.

The online facility will reduce delays at the airport, a statement from the Government Information Department said. (Colombo/Dec29/2022)

Cheap Places to Travel 2023: Favorable Exchange Rates Make These Destinations Cheap Places to Travel | Condé Nast Traveler

Sri Lanka

1 USD = 365.65 SLR

The Sri Lankan rupee has slowly gotten more and more favorable over the past couple of decades, but it completely skyrocketed this past year (a dollar converted to 201 SLR in February, and now look where we are). We’re more excited than ever to explore this incredible island nation, where you can see leafy tea plantations, Buddhist temples, golden beaches, and elephant sanctuaries in one memorable trip.

Aktuell info om Sri Lanka