With the dawn of 2020, we decided to take a step back and look at the past ten years to visualize what this year and the future hands instore for us. During this time the internet has truly changed and reshaped how we interact and coexist with technology in our everyday life. We have witnessed change and seen the reign of mobile, the introduction of a chatbot, AR and VR. As breakthrough as all of these new technologies have been, we certainly cannot dismiss the role design trends played in the transformations. UX design trends over the last 10 years show no sign of slowing down and cruising, instead it’s always reinventing and innovating new ways to elevate their experiences for the users.
As designers, we haven’t always been receptive to the waves of changes, especially if it challenges our roles as designers and creative problem-solvers. Change, however, is one of the most challenging and satisfying aspects of a career in design and thus UX design for 2020 will focus not only on design being implemented into all areas of businesses, but it will also take on more mature role by intergrading cross functionality, inclusivity and specialization throughout the entire process. It’s safe to say the role of UX design will be huge in 2020, especially for Web Development in Sri Lanka, as we continue to witness aesthetics and technology come together like never before. In this article we will look at five design trends that we predict will have a significant role to play in the year 2020.
Today CIOs at middle market enterprises are navigating their digital journey amid difficult and unprecedented economic conditions, forcing business leaders to consistently monitor and frequently revise both short- and long-term strategies.
Since business strategy is intimately connected to digital strategy and speed of transformation, CIOs are currently under pressure to determine the best technology investments that will yield the highest return on investment (ROI) out of an often overwhelming list of competing projects and priorities. In this context, those promising the quickest and highest returns are likely to be given the green light.
Att bygga en app och skala den till miljoner användare är svårt. Som alla rutinerade utvecklare vet är det mycket som kan gå fel, varför det alltid är bättre att följa en iterativ strategi som börjar med en MVP (minimalt livskraftig produkt). Logiken är sund: samla ihop ett litet team, utveckla i små steg för att samla in feedback från kunderna med färre kostnader och validera affärs- och tekniska hypoteser innan du lägger stora resurser på en idé.
Would you dare to leave a comfortable life in Sweden and move to South Asia and start a new life and a new business? One who has done that is Anna Kalm who two years ago moved to Colombo, Sri Lanka to start Ascentic. Today, the company has grown to 60 employees and have approx. 20 Swedish clients.
Along side developing her company, Anna works together with Microsoft in Sri Lanka with Women in Tech initatives.
Anna and here colleague Dilini Serasinghe will share their experiences and describe the journey from Sweden to Colombo and how it is to work as a foreigner in Sri Lanka. Dilini will give us insights in how the tech scene is changing in the country and the region.
You will also get to meet Leif I Ohlson, Secretary-General Sweden-Sri Lanka Business Council and Erik-Wilhelm Graef Behm from Business Region Gothenburg. They will tell you more about the existing opportunities between Sweden-Sri Lanka.
Vill du veta mer om möjligheterna på Sri Lanka ? Kontakta House of Sri Lanka
Hur väljer du den bästa leverantören av molntjänster för ditt företag? Detta är en vanlig fråga bland företag när det gäller cloud computing. Att välja den bästa lösningen för ditt företag från de olika tjänsteleverantörerna på marknaden kräver fokus på 03 viktiga punkter. Dom är, TILLGÄNGLIGHET – Enkel åtkomst till dina data med en enkel inloggning var som helst i världen. SCALABILITY – Sköta tillgången till ökande krav när ditt företag växer. INTEGRATION – Fristående applikationer är ganska föråldrade, företag måste samarbeta för att få djupare insikter. Följ länken nedan för att läsa mer om dessa områden.
LIveroom i Colombo, Sri Lanka är ett mindre men mycket kunnigt företag som vi gärna rekommenderar. Kontakta info@itsrilanka.se för mer information om dem. Vi delar även deras nyhetsbrev här.
Brief insight about how Augmented and Virtual realities could save eCommerce
COVID 19 global pandemic has brought down the number of people gathering to a specific place from, millions to hundreds. Even though many countries and major cities nowadays are opened after the lockdown, the people’s interaction and gatherings are limited to a greater extent. This pandemic situation has made a drastic change to peoples’ buying behaviours and has accelerated in e-commerce as customers spin to online shopping. However, according to statistics, the furniture, kitchenware, clothes, accessories, and buying behaviours of many other luxury goods has fallen to some extent. This is a challenge for retailers, but technology can help to lift this. For that, the great solution lies in e-commerce with immersive technology such as Augmented Reality (AR) and 3D.
According to Vertebrae, with COVID-19, retailers who use AR are having a 19% spike in customer engagement, and the conversion rate of customers has been increased by 90% compared to those who don’t experience AR.
3D and AR shopping experiences are more convenient right now as they designed for mobile devices. These 3D and AR supported e-commerce platforms act as a tool that can be used to view product portfolios in 3D, and AR which will provide a closer virtual experience for the buyers in justifying their buying decisions.
e-commerce with Augmented Reality (AR) and 3D Technology is increasing customer satisfaction as they can try before they buy as it gives an immersive real-time experience of the product they purchase. This can even make the AR shopping experience more personalized by providing real-time feedback. Thus, it uplifts the growth of sales.
Stay tuned with OGMO, LiveRoom’s cloud-based platform specially developed for eCommerce, enabling consumers to visualize the products they buy through 3D and Augmented Reality. Log in to www.ogmo.xyz for more news and updates.
I denna intervju med Henrik Palmquist, CTO på Nelly.com, berättar Henrik om varför Nelly valde just Sri Lanka för sin IT-utveckling. I slutet av denna artikel finner du även länk till videon med intervjun.
Framgångsrika AdMe från Stockholm valde Sri Lanka när det behövde mer kapacitet. Här vad de skriver på Linkedin;
” I slutet på januari packade vi ihop hela vårt Stockholmskontor och tog oss (…) till fantastiska Sri Lanka ☀️ I två hela veckor var vi på plats och hann både med att jobba, lära känna våra nya kollegor i Colombo och hålla vårens kickoff. Nu har vi massor av ny energi och är extra peppade på framtiden för Adme AB och lanseringen av Cloud Production! (..)”